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Welcome to BOI 2022, the 28th Baltic Olympiad in Informatics! It is a joint endeavor by BWINF (Bundesweite Informatikwettbewerbe), the German office for pre-collegiate competitions in computer science, and the computer science division of University of Lübeck.

After BOI 2021 had to go digital, we planned to try again and host BOI 2022 in the beautiful city of Lübeck, a historical German town on the Baltic Sea, member of the „Hanse“ trade union of cities. Then, in January 2022, we had to decide that BOI 2022 would go virtual again – but in March we fortunately could revise that decision.

In addition to all relevant information about BOI 2022, this site is supposed to provide impressions of Lübeck’s beauties. Enjoy!